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Discover Dr Nurcihan Coşansu Service

Skin care not only erases the traces of time, but is also the key to healthy and radiant skin at any age. Nourish your skin with love with the right products and regular care.

The skin is the largest organ of our body and taking proper care of it is an expression of our self-respect. A good skincare routine positively affects not only our appearance, but also our health and self-confidence.

Discover Dr Nurcihan Coşansu Service

Skin care not only erases the traces of time, but is also the key to healthy and radiant skin at any age. Nourish your skin with love with the right products and regular care.


Skin Care Tips

  • Keep your skin clean
  • Moisturizing is important
  • Sun protection routine
  • Healthy nutrition

Natural Skin Care Ingredients

  • Olive oil
  • Honey
  • Rolled oats
  • Lemon
  • Coconut oil

Nur Cihan Coşansu is of Turkish descent and was born in 1986 in the city of Kirkuk.
She graduated at the top of her class at her high school in 2004.

She began her medical training in Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty and graduated from Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty in 2010.
She specialized in Dermatology between 2012 and 2016 at Sakarya University Sakarya Medical Faculty Dermatology Department.
She completed her compulsory service at Kastamonu State Hospital and Sakarya Training and Research Hospital between 2016-2018.
From 2018 to 2022, she continued to work as a specialist doctor at Sakarya Training and Research Hospital.
During this period, she was especially interested in urticaria, psoriasis, vitiligo, rosacea, and acne.
Since 2022, she has been accepted patients at National Clinic.

Between 2022 and 2024, she also worked at Biruni University Medical Faculty as an Assistant Professor. 
She participated in numerous national and international education/certification programs in Dermatology and Dermatocosmetology.
In 2024, she was awarded the title of Associate Professor Doctor.
Her special interests include dermocosmetics and laser applications, rosacea, acne, acne scars, hair diseases, nail surgery, dermatological surgery, and skin cancers.
Nur Cihan (Mimaroğlu) Coşansu is married to Dr. Kahraman Coşansu and is the mother of two boys.

Türk Dermatoloji Derneği
Estetik ve Kozmetik Dermatoloji Derneği
Deri ve Zührevi Hastalıklar Derneği
Dermatolojik Cerrahi Derneği
European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology

DUSEK - Dermatoallergy, May 2014
DUSEK - Dermatoallergy, May 2015
DUSEK - Hair in Every Aspect, December 2015
EADV - Paediatric Dermatology, Spain 2016
EADV - Hair and Scalp, Italy 2016
DUSEK - Nail Diseases Course, 2017
DUSEK - Dermatosurgery, June 2019
DUSEK - Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetics Course, December 2019
DUSEK - Scientific Research Techniques in Dermatology, February 2020
DUSEK - Hair Diseases, February 2021
DUSEK - Acne, March 2021
DUSEK - Melasma, June 2021
Dermatoscopy course, October 2021
January 2020 - Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital, One-month nail surgery training under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Fatih Göktay

1. Mahizer Yaldız, Nur Cihan Coşansu, Teoman Erdem, Retiküler Eritematöz Müsinöz
Olgusu, VII Ege Dermatoloji günleri .İzmir 9 – 13 May 2012.

2. Nur Cihan Coşansu, Mahizer Yaldız, Rabia Öztaş Kara, Teoman Erdem. Erişkin bir
hastada dilde hızlı gelişen hemanjiom. XXV. National Dermatology Congress, Antalya,
21-25 October 2014.

3. Mahizer Yaldız, Nur Cihan Coşansu, Reyhan Çetinkaya, Berna Kılıç, Teoman Erdem,
Hacı Ali Kahya. Anüler Elastolitik Dev Hücreli Granülom. XXV. National Dermatology
Congress, Antalya, 21-25 October 2014.

4. Nur Cihan Coşansu, Mahizer Yaldız, Teoman Erdem, Bahar Sevimli Dikicier. Erişkin Bir
Hastada Tinea Kapitis Profunda. XXV. National Dermatology Congress, Antalya, 21-25
October 2014.

5. Berna Solak, Rabia Öztaş Kara,Nurcan Metin, Nur Cihan Coşansu, Gupse Turan. Atipik
Pitriazis Rosea. XXV. National Dermatology Congress, Antalya, 21-25 October 2014.

6. Nur Cihan Coşansu, Rabia Öztaş Kara, Nurcan Metin, Teoman Erdem. Topikal fusidik
asit kullanımına bağlı gelişen alerjik kontakt dermatit olgusu. IV. DOD Dermatology
Days, Eskisehir, 3-6 September 2015.

7. Tuba Çetiner, Nur Cihan Coşansu, Berna Solak, Teoman Erdem. Hidroksiklorokine
bağlı makulopapüler ve dishidrotik ilaç erüpsüyonu.IV. DOD Dermatology Days,
Eskisehir, 3-6 September 2015.

8. Tuba Çetiner, Nur Cihan Coşansu, Teoman Erdem, Berna Solak. Dev Kornu Kutaneum.
III.Dermatoonkoloji Gündemi, Baku, 04-06 September 2014.

9. Mahizer Yaldız, Nur Cihan Coşansu, Berna Kılıç, Teoman Erdem, Zeynep Kahyaoglu.
Nadir görülen senkron tümör birlikteliği, papiller ürotelyal mesane karsinomu ve
sarkomatoid diferansiasyon gösteren skuamöz hücreli karsinom. III. Dermatoonkoloji
Gündemi, Baku, 04-06 September 2014.

10. Cosansu N.C, Oztas Kara R, Erdem T. Acute Urticaria localize on arm caused by
buprapion.24th EADV Congress, Denmark, 7-11 October 2015.

11. Berna Solak, Bahar sevimli Dikicier, Nur Cihan Coşansu, Teoman Erdem.Segmental
Olmayan 224 Vitiligo Hastasının Klinik ve Demografik Özelliklerinin Değerlendirilmesi.
XXII Prof.Dr.A.Lütfü Tat Sempozyumu.Ankara, 18-22 Novamber 2015.

12. Berna Solak, Nur Cihan Coşansu, Teoman Erdem.Psoriasis Benzeri Tinea İnkognito
Olgusu. XXII Prof.Dr.A.Lütfü Tat Sempozyumu.Ankara, 18-22 Novamber 2015.

13. Nur Cihan Coşansu, Nurcan Metin,Teoman Erdem.Rosasea Benzeri Tinea İnkognitu. XXII Prof.Dr.A.Lütfü Tat Sempozyumu.Ankara, 18-22 Novamber 2015.

14. Nur Cihan Coşansu, Berna Solak, Rabia Öztaş Kara, Teoman Erdem. Allopurinol’e Bağlı
Gelişen DRESS Sendromlu Olgu Sunumu. XXII Prof.Dr.A.Lütfü Tat Sempozyumu.Ankara, 18-22 Novamber 2015

15. Nur Cihan Coşansu, Rabia Öztaş Kara, Berna Solak, Teoman Erdem.İntralezyonel D
Vitamini Tedavisine Yanıt Veren Drençli Plantar Verruka. XXII Prof.Dr.A.Lütfü Tat Sempozyumu.Ankara, 18-22 Novamber 2015.

16. Erdinç Terzi, Ulaş Güvenç, Belma Türsen, Emre Tayfun, Nur Cihan Coşansu, Tamer
İrfan Kaya, Teoman Erdem, Ümit Türsen. Comparison Of Phenol and Trichloroacetic
Acid Chemical Matricectomies For The Treatment Of İngrowing Toenails. İnternational
Dermatology And Cosmetology Congress, İstanbul, 16-20 March 2016.

17. Erdinç Terzi, Ulaş Güvenç, Belma Türsen, Emre Tayfun, Nur Cihan Coşansu, Tamer
İrfan Kaya, Teoman Erdem, Ümit Türsen. Comparison Of Phenol and Bichloroacetic
Acid Chemical Matricectomies For The Treatment Of İngrowing Toenails. İnternational Dermatology And Cosmetology Congress, İstanbul, 16-20 March 2016.

18. Berna Solak, Bahar Sevimli Dikicier, Nur Cihan Coşansu, Teoman Erdem. Neutrophil To
Lymphocyte Ratio İn Patients With Vitiligo. İnternational Dermatology And Cosmetology Congress, İstanbul, 16-20 March 2016.

19. Tuba Çetiner, Nur Cihan Coşansu, Teoman Erdem. Facial Hyperpigmentation Due To
Hydroxychloroquine. İnternational Dermatology And Cosmetology Congress, İstanbul,
16-20 March 2016.

20. Yaldiz M, Solak B, Kara RO, Cosansu N, Erdem MT. Comparison of Famciclovir,
Valaciclovir, and Brivudine Treatments in Adult Immunocompetent Patients With
Herpes Zoster. Am J Ther. 2016 Jan 20.

21. Hilal Yigit, Ertac Sertac Orsel, Esra Yazici, Rabia Oztas Kara, Nur Cihan Cosansu, Berna Solak, Teoman Erdem, Atila Erol.Temperament and character traits in psoriasis
patients,8th International Congress on Psychopharmacology - 4th International
Symposium on Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology,20-24 April 2016 ,Antalya.

22. Mahizer Yaldız, Nur Cihan Coşansu, Berna Kılıç, Teoman Erdem, Zeynep Kahyaoglu
Synchronous papillary urothelial carcinoma of the bladder and squamous cell
carcinoma with sarcomatoid differentiation: A case report. Oncol Lett. 2016

23. Solak B, Dikicier BS, Cosansu NC, Erdem T. Effects of age of onset on disease
characteristics in non-segmental vitiligo. Int J Dermatol. 2017 Mar;56(3):341-345

24. Solak B, Dikicier BS, Cosansu NC, Erdem T . Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio in patients
with vitiligo. Postepy Dermatol Alergol. 2017 Oct;34(5):468-470

25. Yaldiz M, Cosansu C, Erdem MT, Dikicier BS, Kahyaoglu Z. Familial eruptive syringoma.
Hong Kong Med J. 2018 Apr;24(2):200-202.

26. E Terzi, U Güvenç, B Türsen, E Tayfun, NC Coşansu, Ü Türsen. Comparison of Phenol
and Trichloroacetic Acid Chemical Matricectomies in the Treatment of Unguıs
Inkarinatus. SM Dermatolog J 4 (1), 1029

27. Cosansu NC. Effectiveness of the New Inflammatory Parameters in Patients With
Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria. Cutan Ocul Toxicol. 2020 Mar;39(1):71. doi:
10.1080/15569527.2019.1699566. Epub 2019 Dec 6.

28. Cosansu NC. Haematological Parameters in Patients With Chronic Spontaneous
Urticaria. Cutan Ocul Toxicol. 2020 Mar;39(1):72.

29. Nur Cihan Coşansu. Vitiligo Hastalarında Sigara Kullanımının Hastalık Semptom ve
Bulguları Üzerinde Etkisi Var Mıdır?. Journal of Human Rhythm 5 (2019 ): 373-379

30. Nur Cihan Coşansu. Is there any association between the monocyte / lymphocyte
ratio and the presence and severity of the disease in Turkish patients with psoriasis?.
International Medical Congress of Izmir Democracy University- IMCIDU. December 6-
8, 2019, Izmir/Turkey.

31. Nur Cihan Coşansu. Does Smoking Have an Impact on Signs and Symptoms in Vitiligo
Patients?. International Medical Congress of Izmir Democracy University- IMCIDU.
December 6- 8, 2019, Izmir/Turkey.

32. Coşansu, N , Sevimli Dikicier, B , Yaldiz, M , Solak, B . (2020). Is there any association
between the monocyte / lymphocyte ratio and the presence and severity of the disease in patients with psoriasis? A cross-sectional study. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi , 10 (3), 430-436

33. Coşansu, N . Evaluation of new inflammatory parameters in patients with chronic
spontaneous urticaria: A new predictor of refractoriness to antihistamine treatment .
Namık Kemal Tıp Dergisi , 8 (3) , 404-41

34. Ülkü Turan, Bahar Sevimli Dikicier, Nur Cihan Coşansu, Mahizer Yaldız, Hande
Tekmenler, Ahmet Can Yağmur. Psoriasis Polikliniği Biyolojik Tedavi: Tek Merkez
Deneyimi. 12.Spil Dermatoloji Günleri. Antalya 08-11 Nisan 2021.

35. Coşansu, N, Yaldiz, M, Sevimli Dikicier, B. Erişkin Hastada Nadir Görülen Bir Generalize
Erüptif Histiyositoma Olgusu. Olgularla İnflamasyon Multidisipliner Yaklaşım 2021,
Sakarya. 10-12 Eylül 2021.

36. Coşansu, N, Yaldiz, M, Sevimli Dikicier, B. Nadir Görülen Eozinofilik Püstüler
Follikülitis(Ofuji Hastalığı) Olgusu. 8. Dermatoimmunoloji ve Allerji Güz Okulu. Online
23-26 Eylül 2021.

37. Coşansu, N. Hallopeau Tipi Akrodermatitis Kontinua Olgusu. Prof.Dr.A.Lütfü Tat
Sempozyumu, Ankara. 29 Eylül-3 Ekim 2021.

38. Coşansu, N, Yaldiz, M, Sevimli Dikicier, B. Üç Olguyla Bazal Hücreli Karsinoma. 1.Ulusal
Estetik ve Kozmetik Dermatoloji Kongresi, Antalya. 07-10 Ekim 2021.

39. Coşansu, N, Yaldiz, M, Sevimli Dikicier, B. Yaşlı Hastada Yüzde Dev Cornu Cutaneum
Zemininde Gelişen Skuamöz Hücreli Karsinoma. 1.Ulusal Estetik ve Kozmetik Dermatoloji Kongresi, Antalya. 07-10 Ekim 2021.

40. Yüksekal, G, Coşansu, N……1.Ulusal Estetik ve Kozmetik Dermatoloji Kongresi, Antalya. 07-10 Ekim 2021.

41. Coşansu, N, Turan, NÜ,Yaldiz, M, Sevimli Dikicier, B. Nivolumab’a Bağlı Likenoid İlaç
Erüpsyonunun Asitretin İle Başarılı Tedavisi. 29.Ulusal Dermatoloji Kongresi, Antalya.
19-23 Ekim 2021.

42. Coşansu, N,Yaldiz, M, Sevimli Dikicier, B. Gebe Hastada Skabiyes Taklidi Yapan
Sekonder Sifiliz Olgusu. 29.Ulusal Dermatoloji Kongresi, Antalya. 19-23 Ekim 2021.

43. Yaldız, M, Coşansu, N, Sevimli Dikicier, B.Nadir Görülen Dev Bir Keratoakantoma
Olgusu. 29.Ulusal Dermatoloji Kongresi, Antalya. 19-23 Ekim 2021.

44. Coşansu, N, Er, Zeynep,Yaldiz, M. Ayak Tabanında Skuamöz Hücreli Karsinoma; Geç
Tanı Almış Marjolin Ülser Olgusu. 8.Ulusal Dermatolojik Cerrahi Günleri, Ankara. 18-21
Kasım 2021.

45. Coşansu, N, Er, Zeynep,Yaldiz, M. Dilde Nadir Görülen Kavernöz Hemanjiom Olgusu.
8.Ulusal Dermatolojik Cerrahi Günleri, Ankara. 18-21 Kasım 2021.

46. Cosansu NC, Cetiner T, Yuksekal G. Giant Cutaneous Horn (Cornu Cutaneum)
Developing from a Hypertrophic Burn Scar. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2022 Feb
1;35(2):125-127. doi: 10.1097/01.ASW.0000803244.68403.c8. PMID: 35050920.

47. Nur Cihan COSANSU, M.Teoman ERDEM . Kronik Ürtiker’de Nötrofil Lenfosit Oranı Ve
İnflamatuar Parametrelerinin Rolü. International Congress On Medicine Life Science
And Healthcare. 21-23 Şubat 2022

48. Cosansu NC, Yuksekal G, Kutlu O, Umaroglu M, Yaldız M, Dikicier BS. The change in
the frequency and severity of facial dermatoses and complaints in healthcare workers
during the COVID-19. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2022 May 4. doi: 10.1111/jocd.15044. Epub
ahead of print. PMID: 35509253.

49. Coşansu NC, Kara RÖ, Yaldiz M, Dikicier BS. New markers to predict the response to
omalizumab in chronic spontaneous urticaria. Dermatol Ther. 2022 May 18:e15589.
doi: 10.1111/dth.15589. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35582853.

50. Cosansu NC, Yuksekal G, Turan U, Umitfer F, Yaldiz M, Sevimli Dikicier B. Investigation
of systemic immune-inflammation index and systemic inflammation response index as
an indicator of the anti-inflammatuary effect of isotretinoin in patients with acne
vulgaris. Cutan Ocul Toxicol. 2022 Jun;41(2):174-178. doi: 10.1080/15569527.2022.2081700. Epub 2022 Jun 5. PMID: 35658795.

51. Turan Ç, Coşansu NC, Yüksekal G. The SII reflects inflammation in acne vulgaris, but
fails to determine categorical severity. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2022 Nov;21(11):6385-
6392. doi: 10.1111/jocd.15301. Epub 2022 Sep 20. PMID: 35950891.

52. Kara RO, Dikicier BS, Yaldiz M, Koku B, Cosansu NC, Solak B. Omalizumab
treatment for chronic spontaneous urticaria: data from Turkey. Postepy Dermatol
Alergol. 2022 Aug;39(4):704-707. doi: 10.5114/ada.2021.109081. Epub 2022 Sep 1.
PMID: 36090713; PMCID: PMC9454344.

53. Kutlu Ö, Demircan YT, Yıldız K, Kalkan G, Demirseren DD, An İ, Oba MÇ, Emre S,
Şenel E, Bilgili SG, Savaş SE, Aktürk AŞ, Türkmen D, Çakmak SK, Kulaklı S,
Demirbaş A, Altunışık N, Coşansu NC, Aksoy GG, Tosun M, Kurt BÖ, Şentürk N,
Şener S, Özden HK, Temiz SA, Atak MF, Süslü H, Oğuz ID, Kılıç S, Ustaoğlu E,
Topal İO, Akbulut TÖ, Korkmaz İ, Kılıç A, Hızlı P, Küçük ÖS, Çaytemel C, Kara RÖ,
Koska MC, Tatar K, Dikicier BS, Ağırgöl Ş, Akşan B, Karadağ AS. The effect of
COVID-19 on development of hair and nail disorders: a Turkish multicenter,
controlled study. Int J Dermatol. 2023 Feb;62(2):202-211. doi: 10.1111/ijd.16454.
Epub 2022 Oct 25. PMID: 36281828; PMCID: PMC9874876.

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